Hi all! It's been a while. I've been busy taking on-line art courses from Jane Dunnewold, "Creative Strength Training" and "Dye Mastery: From White to Wow," as well as keeping up with my day job. In case you might be interested, as part of my day job at ForHealth Consulting at the UMass Chan Medical School, I co-wrote a Perspectives blog with Michael Grenier on "Is Your State Ready for the Proposed CMS Nursing Home Staffing Standards Rule?" It's about a proposed Federal regulation related to nurse staffing at nursing homes. It's nice to be listed as a lead author, but it was definitely a "team effort." Jane's dyeing class was great fun! I learned A LOT and made some gorgeous fabrics! Now I have to figure out what to do with them all. I have more dye color mixing experiments planned and I'm still compiling all my dye experiment photos and documentation. I got sidetracked by holiday plans and a respiratory bug making the rounds in my hubby's and son's school system. I'm cataloguing some of my experiments on the website here. Check out my new Dye Color Experiments galleries. I have plans to add more, too. Happy Making & Happy New Year!
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AuthorsSonja Lee- Austin Archives
April 2024
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